Conspiracy exposed to steal expensive ceramic tile designs : Industrialists has started investigation

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It has been revealed that a reputed & well known company has brought the design from Italy. the company’s designer has stolen the design.

Morbi: Morbi’s world famous ceramic industry has been suffering by theft of exclusive designs from reputed companies for some time now. company’s owner had started investigation .and they came to know their own company’s designer has been involved in stealing the designs. in further investigation The names of many of the copyists have come out, however, they don’t want to spoil the career of the young designer, so police complaint has been avoided.

As ceramic cluster Morbi is now a leader in the international market, so big companies spend between Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh to design a single tile to survive in the global market. they have copyright also for this design. after all this also, the expensive designs were selling in market. it was captured by the design owner and they were shoked!

Meanwhile, A design owner which is a well-known company, has reported the matter to the Ceramic Association and has initiated legal action, including a trademark, against the copyist of the stolen design and the buyer of the design.

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It is remarkable that in the recent past the design of another reputed big company was similarly stolen. The issue of stealing, is happening because of some factories promoting such frivolity. it is also being considered by the big companies to file a police complaint to prevent such an incident from happening in the future. However, in today’s case, it is learned that no legal action has been taken by the company, as not to spoil the career of the young designer.

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